“A Snippet on Vocal health”

by Allison Rozsa Evans


Recently as I was leaving my downtown Chicago studio a woman stopped me and thanked me for a Vocal Health class I gave at her daughters school back in December. She told me that her daughter still talks about the class, how much she learned and how she is very careful to not no over-use her voice or sing to exhaustion. This was so nice to hear! It is always wonderful to hear when a student really listens and applies what they've learned daily life.


So, if you didn't already know, I have had the privilege of giving Vocal Health classes to school choirs in the greater Chicago area. I have been overjoyed to do this because most young singers will ignore the need to care for their voice and just mimic what they see on TV.  In these classes we cover everything from vocal anatomy, vocal maladies, physical activity and good everyday habits. In the day of the instant start, much of what people are exposed to are the strange habits of singers on shows like American Idol or the X Factor(like drinking lots of lemon & honey tea, or my personal favorite, downing a bottle of olive oil before a concert). And, since I'm already on the topic, let's talk about food.


What does food have to do with singing? Just like we maintain our physical health with a healthy diet, we also must eat well to maintain a healthy voice. If having lots of processed foods and sugary drinks aren't going to make our bodies feel 100%, neither will our voices. Instead of processed foods, fruits, vegetables & proteins will keep our energy up, and instead of sugary and caffeinated drinks (which dehydrate the body) drink an abundance of water. You don't have to cut everything out (I do love coffee), just remember to have everything in moderation (eating an entire pizza before singing probably will make you feel full and groggy). Also listen to your body. If something doesn't make feel its best, cutting back will help (I know I can't drink coffee on the day I sing because my voice gets very dry & my body gets jittery).


What I would like to leave you with is this question: "Is there any magical food that will make you sing better?" The answer...No. There is no magical food or elixir that will make you sing better. Some things may be soothing and give an illusion of better singing perhaps having a placebo affect, (like the American Idol contestant I saw downing that bottle of olive oil) but really the best thing you can do for your voice is to build healthy eating habits and drink lots of water. Oh...and practice!